High efficiency transformers: New European eco-design standard

High efficiency transformers: New European eco-design standard

From July 1st 2021, transformers must comply with the performance requirements of Tier 2 of the Ecodesign Regulation (Directive 548/2014).

The transition to the stricter efficiency requirements will increase the acquisition cost of transformers.

We recommend that you estimate your future needs for the year to take advantage of the timeframe before the regulation is implemented. The new directive applies to any transformers manufactured after 01/07/2021 (not if sold after 01/07/2021).

Your orders should be routed no later than March so as to allow enough time for the factory to manage the orders (production time + possibly increased demand).

Read more here: https://www.senekis.gr/assets/gallery/58/492.pdf

Why the new directive is of environmental importance:

Setting eco-design requirements for medium and high power transformers is equally necessary to increase market penetration of technologies and design options that improve their energy performance or energy efficiency.

In 2008, the total losses of all transformers in the EU-27 amounted to 93.4 TWh per year. The potential to improve economic efficiency through more efficient design is estimated for 2025 at around 16.2 TWh per year, an estimate corresponding to 3.7 MT of CO2 emissions.